Grow your gratitude.
Beth Conger Beth Conger

Grow your gratitude.

The benefits of living with gratitude are endless - not only for your mental, but also physical health. Here are some tips to help you more fully embed an attitude of gratitude into everything you do.

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Put Fear in the Rear-View Mirror!
Beth Conger Beth Conger

Put Fear in the Rear-View Mirror!

Fear. It seems so real in the moment. And has real implications - holding us back from living life on our terms. But when you really dive in, it’s just False Evidence Appearing Real. Start debunking your fears today!

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Dear Future Self…
Beth Conger Beth Conger

Dear Future Self…

The small steps we take today can make a significant impact on our sense of peace and joy in the future - impacting not only our lives, but the lives of all around us.

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Burn your self-helpless books.
Beth Conger Beth Conger

Burn your self-helpless books.

In honor of Banned Books Week, get rid of the most destructive books in your library - your self-helpless books! Learn how in this week’s blog.

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Stop tolerating. Start leading.
Beth Conger Beth Conger

Stop tolerating. Start leading.

When you begin to say no, stand up for what you want and state what you desire, YOU get to demonstrate what’s acceptable and appropriate for YOU. And that’s where the power lies. 

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Celebrate Your Quirks
Beth Conger Beth Conger

Celebrate Your Quirks

When we OWN our quirks, we not only feel more comfortable with ourselves, but we open our hearts more to others by removing some of the judgement we tend to lead with. Celebrate your quirks and start living more authentically and joyfully.

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We All have a Right to Be Ourselves
Beth Conger Beth Conger

We All have a Right to Be Ourselves

You are unique. I am unique. All those people over there are each unique. So why do we waste time judging? Learn how to live with greater acceptance.

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Create A Kaleidoscope of Acceptance by Appreciating our Differences
Beth Conger Beth Conger

Create A Kaleidoscope of Acceptance by Appreciating our Differences

We exist in a world of 7.8 trillion people all experiencing life in their own ways. Imagine how much more interesting it would be if we approached them with curiosity - to understand why they see and do things the way they do. It all begins with more fully accepting ourselves.

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