Stop tolerating. Start leading.

How many times has someone done something or said something that you didn’t like, but it was easier to keep the peace and not say anything? How many times has someone spoken to you unfairly or treated you disrespectfully, but you brushed it aside? How many times - even in the last few days - have you caved in and agreed to something you didn’t want to do?

In each of these moments, you’ve tolerated less than what you would have desired. In each of these moments, you’ve taught that other person that you’re OK being treated like this. 

Think about this in reference to our kids. Every time we let them get away with something, or give in to something, they know they can play us that same way the next time. They keep pushing boundaries until we, as parents, stand in our “no” and clearly state that this behavior will no longer be tolerated.

What you tolerate in life cues those around you on how to treat you. When you begin to say no, stand up for what you want and state what you desire, YOU get to demonstrate what’s acceptable and appropriate for YOU. And that’s where the power lies. 

So stand up for what you want, politely yet firmly and begin to see an evolution in the way you’re treated and the respect you’re given.


You ARE the power to change your life.


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