Remove the Roots of Self-Doubt to Bloom with Confidence

Simply put, confidence fuels potential. When your confidence is sky-high, there’s literally nothing you won’t try neither is there anything you don’t feel you will slay! On the flip side, when you’re filled with self-doubt, even dipping your toe in the water of trying something new can feel terrifying, leaving you paralyzed on the sidelines.

The roots of much of our self-doubts date way back to childhood. We may have been scolded for knocking something over, or not getting something right on the first try, or not being fast enough or smart enough. These experiences left a very real and lasting impact on our feelings of self-value and self worth. And every time they creep up, they chip away at our select of self-confidence.

Identifying these roots, what they are and where they come from, can help you more quickly overcome and breed new-found confidence to soar in anything you try in life. Here are some steps to begin removing self doubt from the roots!

  1. Spend some time journaling your thoughts - what thoughts of self-doubt arise throughout the day/week? What prompts these thoughts? THESE are some of your roots of self-doubt.

  2. Who or where did each root of self-doubt come from?

  3. How has this protected you throughout life?

  4. What’s it preventing you from doing/experiencing now?

  5. You’re a different person now than when this root was established, so how true is this root, really?

  6. What’s a new thought you can have when you start to trip over some of these roots?

Once you start pulling out self-doubt from the roots, you’ll begin to bloom in full, beautiful confidence.


Intentionally Design Your Alter Ego to Live on Your Terms!


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