Intentionally Design Your Alter Ego to Live on Your Terms!

Ever heard of Sasha Fierce or Sasha Carter? No? Ever heard of Beyonce or Adele? Ahh - now you know who Sasha Fierce and Sasha Carter are - their alter egos!


That’s exactly what I asked when I first heard of this. Both these mega stars who command the stage or any room they’re in, were able to own their once very nervous energy by creating alter egos of the bad ass they WANTED to be.

By creating distance between themselves and the situation. By envisioning themselves at their very best. By stepping into their alter ego, time and time again, they literally BECAME these icons that they deliberately created. Fearless, empowered, bold, amazing forces to be reckoned with.

But alter egos, otherwise known as the ‘Batman Effect,’ aren’t just for these women. They are for everyone and anyone who wants to overcome some self doubt, fear, anxiety and step into the best versions of themselves.

So take some time to envision the bad ass you want to be. What do you look and sound like? How do you command a room? What’s powerful about you? And then, put on that persona time and time again until it literally IS you.

DM me to learn more.


Check the Counterpoint to Build Confidence


Remove the Roots of Self-Doubt to Bloom with Confidence