Even Broken Crayons Hold Tremendous Value

Feeling a little broken? A little run down and not quite as vibrant as you used to? Well, take a simple lesson from a box of crayons. Even a broken, stubby crayon adds vibrancy and color. 

Think about it - each day, we awaken to a blank canvas that we can color in any way we want. Maybe your yesterday was stressful and intense. Then perhaps you decide today to pull out the soothing pastels and paint a calm picture. Maybe your yesterday was sad and heavy. Then today, consider pulling out your sunny yellows and oranges and paint a vibrant picture. 

The bottom line is that YOU GET TO DECIDE how you want to show up. We get to choose our emotions. We can either choose to feel deflated, angry and hopeless. OR we can choose to feel hopeful, optimistic and joyful. Which will help you have a better day? Which crayon colors will you choose?


Fire Your Inner Critic


Becoming Beth Conger Coaching