Reframe. Refocus. Reveal the REAL YOU!


Tunnel Vision V. Team Vision Workshop

When we view the world through tunnel vision, it’s all about me, my, mine – what’s happening to me; how are things affecting me; how am I being treated/wronged. There is acute focus on the action, task or thing: what’s the number we want to hit? What’s the goal we want to achieve? The focus is on the result versus the journey. ye

When we broaden our view and experience the world through a 3D lens it’s about truly seeing the big picture and working collaboratively to make it a reality. The focus is on the experience - making it a win/win for all, so people are motivated to do the work and many times, this blows any set goal out of the water.

So much in the world feels out of our control, but what we can ALWAYS control, with awareness and practice, is how we, as individuals, show up. And when individuals show up well, the team works better. This workshop will help each team member broaden their view beyond themselves towards the team/greater good.

This workshop will enable deeper understanding of how focus on self becomes draining overtime & enables short-term performance, but long-term burn-out, awareness of the benefits of viewing situations through a broader lens and tools to use in the moment to help create a broader view.