Rescue your 6-year-old, authentic self!

What happened to you? 

Between the ages of 6-13, something happened. Someone said or did something to you that made you believe you were less than, unworthy, unlovable. 

In that moment, they kidnapped your authentic self. 

Up until that moment, you had no fear of judgment, abandonment, unworthiness. You lived and played with abandon. 

But then that one thing happened and you focused inward to protect yourself at all costs. It’s kept you playing small, not taking risks, staying safe. 

What do you miss about the authentic you who thrived in those years before this moment? What are some of her qualities you want to bring back? And not only bring back, but couple with all the years of knowledge and sophistication you’ve gained up to this moment? 

I want to meet this authentic, badass version of YOU. And so do those who love you most. It’s time to rescue her by revisiting that moment that kidnapped your true essence and poking holes in all the stories you’re telling yourself about that moment to keep you safe. This is your life preserver opportunity. Take it!


Self-Respect is your superpower.


It’s time to admit what you really want…