A simple reframe from “meh” to “MERRY!”
It’s undeniable, the holidays are HERE! And there are a lot of different emotions that come with that statement – everything from joy and cheer, to feeling frazzled with too many things to do, people to see, concerts to attend, gifts to buy… (sorry, not trying to stress you out!)
We all have the best intentions – to enjoy the peace and joy of the season, surrounded by loved ones. But all too quickly, we get consumed with the endless “to do’s” of the seasons – shopping, baking, cards, running kids to last minute practices for school concerts, attending concerts…not to mention the countless hours we spend making sure everyone has the perfect gift.
And there is NOTHING wrong with wanting to see everything, do everything, bring joy and happiness to everyone. But there IS something wrong with HOW we do it.
When we are just focused on getting things done, we miss out on so many opportunities to simply be present in the moment. And your full presence, undivided attention, is the simplest gift that can make the most meaningful impact.
Recall the last time you were in the car, running your kid to practice. Was the goal simply to get them there on time? What could your car ride have looked like if you turned those 15 minutes into an opportunity to learn something new about your child? Or find out what made them laugh in school that day?
You have an office holiday party coming up. You have to go, but you’re dreading it. You work with these people, why do you have to spend time with them outside of work? What could this party experience be if you created a “buzzword bingo” game in your mind – silently giving yourself a point every time your colleague used the same catch phrase they always use?
You need to get groceries for the holiday dinner and the store is always packed and understaffed. Instead of finding yourself angry before you even pull your cart through the front door, what if you grabbed a hot cup of delicious coffee/tea, put your headphones in and turned on your favorite holiday playlist to enjoy as you shop? How might you brighten not only your mood but that of every employee and shopper in that store?
Each of the above three very common holiday scenarios includes a reframe that turns a “to do” moment into a “ta dah” moment. Just think how much lighter and brighter your day will be with a simple reframe that turns dread into delight?
This reframe is my gift to you this holiday season. May your days be merry and bright and “see” you again in 2023!